What is OSHA?

OSHA is also known as the occupational safety and health administration. This is one of the federal agencies and it is part of the US labor. The main purpose of this agency is to ensure the employee's protection and rights.

OSHA was designed to ensure good working conditions for the people. OSHA is also working to protect many businesses from liabilities, complaints, and claims.

OSHA military standards

OSHA programs for employees say that the military is exempted from the regulations of OSHA in terms of its military operations, defense activities, equipment, and systems. 

Few standards of OSHA are adopted by the army for work and it falls outside these categories. The army forces follow the regulations concerning the jobs that are commonly seen in the private sectors such as civil engineering and administration. The military equipment safety standards are exempted from OSHA regulations are:

  • Aircraft
  • Missiles
  • Artilleries
  • Submarines
  • Tanks
  • Ships
  • Military tactical vehicles

Unique military operations include:

  • Fields maneuvers
  • Naval operations
  • Actions in emergency conditions
  • Military flight operations
  • Research and development test activities.

OSHA for the military

As the OSHA regulations are applied to all employers across the country, in the same way, there are some exceptions when it comes to the military. There are no official such regulations that apply to the military unless the military branches choose to implement OSHA standards on their own. This results in integrating safety into the missions and it will also increase the chances of mission success.

Though Army has tried hard to decrease the percentage of injuries among the workers under the strategic partnership program but Army OSHA standards regulation has focused more on preventing hearing loss. Also, OSHA covers all civilian employees that are working on military premises. OSHA can also inspect the guard’s facilities where all the civilians are based without giving head-ups. 

OSHA also keeps checking on procedures and equipment that are not military-exclusive. These refer to the activities and they can be put on a similar spectrum that includes private activities like medical services, vehicle repair, construction, medical services, admin, and office procedures. 

Army OSHA course

It is a set of OSHA regulations that make sure that army activities are safe and try to decrease the risk ratios. Military safety training incorporates OSHA requirements into the army. Safety as the training grounds of the army are well set and improved through the coordination between OSHA inspectors and military officers.

Below are some specifications of the army safety program:

  • It manages, approves, and plan the budgeting of the safety programs
  • This helps in ensuring the health and safety of all the workplaces and army issues
  • It ensures the strict supervision of Chemical safety in military operations
  • to save the employees from any hazards
  • They monitor all the army equipment from testing to distribution to storage
  • They manage the incorporation of safety training into the army schools
  • These should be the synchronization between the occupational health activities and army safety activities with the secretary of defense. 

How do OSHA standards are applied to the military?

OSHA standards are not applied to military personnel, military equipment, operation, and military systems. These all were excluded from OSHA jurisdiction by the president's order which was ordered in 1980. The department of defense employs many civilians and many of them work on the systems, equipment, and other operations. 

OSHA is not applied to these employees under these conditions. OSHA can inspect United States guard facilities where civilians perform their office work without any advance notice as they do in private sectors. In 2003 the army people did a partnership with OSHA and asked them to reduce injuries, illness, and other civilian accidents. 

Military PPE requirements

The globally Military PPE is the equipment that are used by the military forces and they help in protecting military injuries and providing a safe environment. These includes many protective equipment such as protective eyewear, ear pro, helmets, gloves, body armor and other equipment. This all equipment’s designed to protect the soldiers from all kinds of chemical and biological hazards in different situations.

The PPE requirements are for all the equipment as well. All the equipment should be kept clean so that it can work properly and is worn properly. Personal protective equipment PPE is designed for the safety of the employees so that they could save their life. It is better to have all the requirements followed to save yourself from all kinds of incidents and injuries.

OSHA for the civilian employees

Civilian employees working in the military are also covered by OSHA when they are on operations and working with the equipment. Many of the military operations, facilities, and equipment are subjected to OSHA standards and this helps in protecting the good health and safety of civilian employees by making sure employes conduct there OSHA 10 and OSHA 30 hour training.

OSHA compliance for military operations states that there should be occupational safety and health act for its civilian employees with regards to workplace operations, procedures, equipment, and systems except the civilians are working with the uniquely military operation, equipment, and systems.

OSHA has the permission to conduct unannounced and surprise inspections of the military to make sure that the civilian employees are not working on the uniquely military system, operations, and equipment.


The occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) is responsible for enforcing and developing workplace standards and making sure that employees are safe while working. Employers in the country are required to apply OSHA standards for the place of work and these are inspected by OSHA surprisingly at any time. The united states military is exempted from OSHA standards with some exceptions. Individual branches of the military establish their policies that enforces OSHA regulations for that particular branch.